Saturday 1 December 2012

Manly Sex Talk : Making her cum above yours

Makes sense to me. Her cumming is far more valuable then the guys cumming. It is usually easier for a guy to cum and more wasteful. Females orgasm is important to her health and to yours. A male gets a lot out of being in or around a female when she orgasms.

I am not about inner orgasms for men. There are some traditions where men are taught not to ejaculate but to turn the energy inward. Mantak Chia is an author and leading expert on such techniques. I have learned a great deal from him and would encourage every person to read his literature and lessons.

What I have taken is that I do not have to ejaculate every time I have sex. In fact if I reserve my energy and ejaculate once or twice a week, the other times I am intimate I am very engaged. I have energy, a good hard erection, desire and I get so much from my partner orgasm.

Try it sometimes guys. Bring your lady to orgasm and don't worry about your own. Cut your ejaculations down and focus on the experience and not the end result.

Sex is a marathon, not a race. relax, enjoy the ride and think outside of your box, think of her box....

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